Friday, February 1, 2013

One Year Post Transplant February 2, 2013

Hello Everyone,

One year ago today, we were a nervous wreck knowing that Tyler and myself were preparing to go into surgery the following day. I think every emotion possible crossed my mind, but what I remember the most is having a feeling of peace knowing that this would help him become healthy.

Whatever fears I had were quickly dismissed knowing that in the end, although a transplant is not a cure they told me, but a treatment I still felt this was our chance to improve my sons life and here we sit one year post-transplant and that is exactly what happened!!!!

Every single day we read about illness that people face and thank God that we have been given the gift of health. Day in and day out I sit and fill that pill box with the medications needed for "our kidney" to survive I am reminded of how quick things can change and how lucky we are that our story although  not over, has up until this date had a good ending.

Our situation showed me how strong my sons are. Tyler enduring the illness and Ryan enduring all the focus we had to put into saving his brother. It has proved to me that my husband and I are such a united front that we can make anything possible. It warmed my heart to have my family and friends reach out whenever we needed a hand. To say this has changed my outlook on life would be an understatement.

Tyler is scheduled next Wednesday Feb. 6th for his yearly check. He will have a renal ultrasound, an echo cardiogram blood work and his checkup. He is feeling great so we expect that all will be well. May you all be blessed with good health in the future.

As of today over 117,000 people just in United States alone sit on a transplant list of some kind, please pray for those still waiting.....

We are truly blessed!!!!
The Murphy Family