Thursday, June 21, 2012

Almost 5 months!!!!


We hope everyone is doing well!!!  It will soon be 5 months since the kidney transplant I thought I would give everyone an update.

I am doing very well, to me it feels like I never even donated, other than the obvious battle wounds!! Tyler has been doing well taking all his medications like clockwork and in general feeling pretty good.

Unfortunately, his creatinine level (kidney function) was declining just a little bit when we went for blood work on Tuesday. He had a renal ultrasound on Wednesday and they do not see anything wrong as far as the "structural" part of the kidney. So, on Monday we do have to get another kidney biopsy because as the doctor explained they do not want to miss anything as far as rejection goes.

Of course, Tyler is not to happy about this and having to spend another night in the hospital. The reason they do this is to check and see if antibodies have developed against the new kidney or if it could be cellular.

We are praying nothing is happening at all, but better safe than sorry. So, add an extra prayer if you would that this biopsy turns out well!

We will update as soon as we know.

Susanne and Steve


  1. To me ,kidney donation is a worth saluting and respectful process.Great respect for Tyler.Get well as soon as possible.
    Chronic kidney disease treatment

  2. Yes Also Agree With Legal KIdney Donation Process. It Is A Kind Of Restore Process Of HUman Body Organ. Tyler You Can Get Very Well As God Is With You, Never Look Back . Go Ahead Thanks For Sharing

  3. Thanks for sharing the experience. Kidney donation is truly a gift of life. Also kidney donors usually go on to live normal and healthy lives. They need to following some precautions and go for regular checkups. Source : Kidney transplant

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  5. thanks for sharing your experience.the kidney donating is giving life to another in the form of kidney transplantation Kidney Transplant India

  6. Thanks a lot for sharing your experience about kidney transplantation. Regards: Lyfboat

  7. thanks for sharing your experience.
    Keep up the good work
    Are you looking for Kidney transplantation treatment in India
