Monday, January 9, 2012

Only a few weeks left.....

Good morning,

As of Friday they have confirmed our transplant date. It is set for February 2!!!  They told us our date had been changed three times and finally this is what they settled on. I do still have my appointment to see the surgeon this coming Friday the 13th, so we hope no more curve balls are sent our way.We are very happy that they were able to do it so soon and Tyler will only be on dialysis for a short amount of time. The first few days after the surgery he was feeling pain in his neck and was not feeling better from the dialysis, but with each passing day his pain has gone away and we now hope the dialysis will start to make him feel better instead of causing exhaustion.

On a different note, we want to mention how proud we are of the family we are surrounded by. They have taken it upon themselves to start a fundraising page to help support us while we have to dedicate all our time to this transplant in the upcoming months. Our support system has been incredible and we cannot begin to describe what it means to us. My sister Liz came up with a name called Murphys On The Mend, and we believe that is exactly what our future holds and that in the end we will be mended. is where you can find it.

Thanks for all the love and support,

Steve,Susanne Ryan and Tyler

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