Monday, October 10, 2011

Next testing scheduled

Hello again,

My next test is now scheduled for October 20th. They will do what is called a nuclear gfr test at Childrens again. I attached the explanation below. I will have written results by that afternoon, but on Monday Oct. 24th we will be spending the day there for all of Tylers appointments so I hope that I will be able to get exact results that day from my tests. So, for now we have a week and a half off, then two big appointments in a row. So, we will update again when we know all those things. As for now, I am still keeping a positive attitude that I will be able to donate. Thanks to all who keep us in your prayers day and night!
Susanne and Steve


What is a GFR?
A glomerular filtration rate test (GFR) is a measure of the function of your kidneys. Glomeruli are tiny filters in your kidney that allow waste products to be removed from the blood. The rate refers to the amount of blood that is filtered per minute.
Aradiopharmaceutical called Technetium-99m DTPA is injected into one of your child's veins. Technetium-99m DTPA has a tiny amount of radioactive molecules in it.
After the injection, a 10 second picture of the injection site will be obtained. You will then be instructed to return to Nuclear Medicine for your blood to be drawn two, three and four hours after the injection.
When might a GFR be needed?
The GFR allows the nuclear medicine physician to assess the degree of kidney impairment and to follow the course of kidney disease. However, the GFR provides no information on the cause of the kidney disease.
A GFR test can help measure kidney function in:
  • patients who are undergoing chemotherapy
  • patients who have had a renal transplant
  • evaluation of renal donors.                                                       

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