Monday, October 24, 2011

Recap from our appt. October 24, 2011


Whew one long day at the hospital, but we are happy another set of appts are under our belts. Today we met with different people all involved with the Kidney Transplant team. Everything went well and we have a good idea of what is ahead of us. Tyler had all his blood work done and as to be expected, his body is showing signs of wear and tear. He is anemic and being put on iron, also his blood pressure was high and now he will be back on blood pressure medicine. This is obviously what starts to happen as you near kidney failure. His official kidney function today was 13%. They do tend to start dialysis around 10%, but his doctor does base it on the individual. If he starts to have nausea, can't eat etc. we would be forced to do it, but let's hope that never happens.

My results from last Thursday were sent to the surgeon and he still is trying to decide if I can be the donor. He sent them on to a few urologist and I will know something more by wed. or thurs. this week. So, the minute we find the donor the surgery will be scheduled. Information overload at this point.  We will keep updating as we find out results. Susanne and Steve

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