Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Our doctors visits today December 20th


As you are all aware after my testing last week, the doctor wanted to do one more urine sample, a 24 hour collection and one additional set of blood work (it is called a renal panel) on me today. So, again, for the fourth time in a week, I had to stop at UC to do that on the way to Tyler's appointment at Children's early this morning. When I arrived the nurses told me I was wrong he did not want anymore blood work, so after making sure, I left to head to Children's. Within two hours the nurse called me and said whoops he DID want an additional set of blood drawn not just the urinalysis; needless to say I was very upset and now have to return for a fifth time to get that done wed. Basically, they could not be anymore unorganized up there as far as I am concerned.

Now about Tyler: he is still getting worse and had some bad blood pressure readings today. He now had more medication added on and unfortunately will be forced to start dialysis after the holidays.Tthis is very frustrating for us because we have tried everything to avoid this. We will be getting a call with the date for him to get his port/line whatever you want to call it and that will stay in until about four weeks after the transplant. So, still we sit and wait..and wait...and wait. When I find out anything (because who knows with that place) I will post. 

I know many people that read my blog and are praying for Tyler may already know this, but for those of you who do not, I would like you to add my nephew Logan to your prayer list. This past Friday he was diagnosed with Leukemia, he is in 3rd grade. He will be spending this next month in the hospital and is getting his first round of Chemo today. The type he has (A L L) has a very high cure rate and our family knows he will beat this, but he will have a very long road to travel during treatment and recovery. So as you all enjoy your holidays please take a moment to realize just how lucky you are to have your health!


Susanne and Steve

1 comment:

  1. May God Bless you and your family Sue!! Merry Christmas and lots of love!!!
