Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Update from December 6 appointment


Well information overload today. For the past week or so Tyler has been having many symptoms including fatigue, headaches, dizziness and loss of appetite. So, since he was not scheduled to go to the doctor until December 20th, we had to call and they wanted to see him right away.

So as we suspected, he has gotten worse over the past 6 weeks. He is now below 10% kidney function. Also, his red blood cell count is low and he has lost some weight. All the doctors discussed starting dialysis on him and they decided that since my testing is next Tuesday the 13th, we will try to get him as far as possible without it in hopes that I will be the donor and we can schedule surgery for the transplant.

They are adding medications to help with this and also he will be getting a couple injections a week to stabilize his rbc count. They are fearful that he needs to be healthy enough to go into surgery and although starting dialysis may make him feel better daily, it could be very hard on him and we need his health to stay good enough.

We return to the doctor on Friday for the first injection and we will learn about dialysis treatment so if it happens we are prepared. Our guess is that things will be changing daily for him and we just have to go appointment to appointment and deal with it as it comes. If I am not the donor, they will have to put him on it for sure.

Tyler himself has been super strong and really has been taking all this well, (better than mom) but as they say kids are very resilient. Keep us all in your prayers as we hope for some better news next week that I can donate and we can get him better.
Thanks Susanne and Steve

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