Friday, December 9, 2011

Update Friday December 9

Hello everyone,

Well, we went back in today and Tyler had to get a couple shots, and also an injection in his stomach (ouch) that is pretty painful to say the least. These injections will be given to him at home by us twice a week to try and get his red blood cell count higher. All his blood work remains the same from the other day but they did up his blood pressure medication so now he gets a double dose of that each day and also added steroids again.

The doctor explained that if we start dialysis it may help him feel a little better, but this will require him to go into surgery and get a line put in his neck and of course once he heard that he was saying no way. Unfortunately like I explained to Ty, he will be getting that anyway for the transplant so if it happens earlier that is just the way it has to be.

There are three living donor surgeries scheduled at Childrens in January, so we are most likely looking at February for the transplant if I am the donor. However, if  anything happens where someone cannot do the surgery they could slide us in to their spot.

So, next week I go Tuesday, then back Thursday for results. If they clear me then I will have to meet the surgeons at Childrens and anesthesiologist as soon as they can get me in. For now, everything is on a day to day/week to week basis. Our hope is in one week we will know it is me and we have a light at the end of the tunnel. A funny note from today is when we were sitting in the room waiting for the doctor Tyler asked me if he could play indoor soccer starting in January because this kid asked him to be a sub for the team, really??? Just when you think they understand how sick they are, they say something like that!! I just told him we would wait and see.

Have a good weekend,

Susanne and Steve   

1 comment:

  1. Saying lots of prayers that things go your way next week!! Love you guys!!
